Short Biography of Torrance Mayberry

Sunday, November 13, 2011

“1 + 1 = 3″- Empower The Business While At The Same Time Freeing Up IT Resource:

Today this challenge is common in organisations. The different perspectives about data quality, its value and the relationship between communities of practice continue to be an uphill battle facing IT and business leaders. If we take a look at Peter Ku’s blog March 26, 2010 (The cost of bad data in combating money laundering and terrorist financing) we will see another relevant clue in the context of data quality, albeit it from a business perspective.

“During my conversations with these bankers, I asked why this was the case. Many of them pointed the finger back to IT and the lack of good data!” Which perspective of the data quality dilemma is the right one? Is it the perspective of IT or is it the perspective of the business? Of course, both perspectives are right. If business empowerment and IT collaboration is our aim, we need to solve this dilemma, but it can’t be solved without an organisational culture change. It can’t be resolved using technology alone. It is a change management challenge.


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